News : Rough budgeting

As discussed at meeting #3, Agnieszka and I agreed to go through the budget for Temporary and get a rough estimate of how much we should try to raise in each fundraising cycle (which we are calling, for now, a 'season' of four months).

Here are the results:

Monthly costs:
rent of venue: 990€
electricity: 30€
internet: 0€
misc costs for kitchen/toilets (wc paper, lightbulbs, soap): 15€
ID cards/NFC stickers: 10€
website hosting: 15€
bank fees: 30€ (this might be high or low, it's hard to tell so we went high to be safe)
office supplies (printer paper, toner, etc.): 20€
--------------> monthly cost: 1110€

Annual costs:
Domain name: 30€/year, so 10€ per 4-month 'season'

+ "buffer" of 200€ for miscellaneous costs (stipulated by Finnish law that can be up to 5% surplus)

= total for first 4-month 'season': 4650€
(1110€ x 4 months, + 10€ for domain name, + 200€ buffer)

At 50€ per 'stake', we then will need to sell 93 stakes to ensure that Experiment #2 can operate for the first four months.

This can all be discussed in depth at Friday's meeting. Thanks for reading!

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