8. marraskuuta 2017 22.49, hyksos sanoi...
Cluster is led by
Agnes Pockels (agnes_pockels) and also participating are
Bach Nguyen,
Humberto Duque,
Henna_Bauhaus (Kata_Meister),
jonald dunn, and Pieter-Jan -- but anyone else can feel free to join and contribute, speak up!
16. marraskuuta 2017 00.53, Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) sanoi...
Hey team, would you be up to meet some 2-3 hours before Friday meeting so we can chat about our topic? We can meet up at my apartment in Sornainen, brainstorm and then have 15 minutes refreshing walk to ex-temporary space. Who is in?
16. marraskuuta 2017 01.18, jonald dunn sanoi...
in principle yes but i am not sure of my schedule on friday so i will confirm that i can come tomorrow. cheers, jon
16. marraskuuta 2017 22.31, Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) sanoi...
So apparently Pieter-Jan is away, Humberto is not available tomorrow before the meeting. So it's just Bach, Katarina and John. Can anyone confirm to meet up? Or we do it another day?
17. marraskuuta 2017 09.55, jonald dunn sanoi...
i can meet. at 2 or 3 pm? and i need the address.
17. marraskuuta 2017 12.36, Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) sanoi...
Since there is most likely just us for this meeting lets just come to ex-Temporary 1 hour before the meeting. Can you be there at 4pm?
17. marraskuuta 2017 12.44, jonald dunn sanoi...
yes that is ok. what is the door code?
17. marraskuuta 2017 12.50, hyksos sanoi...
Yeah I’ll be there anyway working on coop rules ...
17. marraskuuta 2017 18.36, scottandreweliott sanoi...
My friend writing her phd on commoning told me about this group in new zealand (https://enspiral.com/network-overview/). It's more of a collaborative group of freelancers doing social based work, but I think their overview is very clear in its way of describing (also graphically) the way the collaboration works and how participation is organised. Also the 'handbook' is very interesting in regards to the rules and mechanisms of the group. It's a bit corporate-startup in style, but perhaps interesting to look at.
23. marraskuuta 2017 12.43, Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) sanoi...
That's the late notice but Katarina and I are meeting to plan some of the stuff related to our group. If you can, please join us at Vilhonvuorenkatu 5B and send the message to 0468801851 when you are downstairs.
23. marraskuuta 2017 12.49, Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) sanoi...
The meeting time is 17.00 :)
23. marraskuuta 2017 12.51, Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) sanoi...
And it's today!!
24. marraskuuta 2017 17.53, jonald dunn sanoi...
had to babysit today so i couldn't come to the meeting. i will check the protocol or minutes as well as write further in these discussion areas.
1. joulukuuta 2017 20.02, Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) sanoi...
Since we got a name let's now get a logo. Till the next meeting (8 Dec, 16:00), anybody can post here, under this comment, own sketch of the logo. It can be even a hand-drawn draft. On the next meeting, we will then select the most favorite option to develop further.
8. joulukuuta 2017 15.31, Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) sanoi...
That's a set of various ideas for the logo. They are just drafts.
Tällä viestillä on 13 kommenttia.