8. marraskuuta 2017 23.55, hyksos sanoi...
I'm the contact person for this topic but also
Bach Nguyen,
Humberto Duque and
Agnes Pockels (agnes_pockels) are here -- but anyone else can feel free to join and contribute, speak up!
12. marraskuuta 2017 15.31, hyksos sanoi...
Hi everyone,
Sorry this has been delayed by a few days. We focused energy on getting the Experiment #2 planning website together, which is a transitional website between temporary.fi and whatever will come next (but with all of the user logins transferred over, so you can just log in with your Temporary account). This is to help us have a central place to communicate, which I realise not everyone will want to use, but that's OK. As
agryfp suggested at the first meeting, we should try to communicate using the tools we created. So please visit https://experiment2.biathlon.io and have a look!
Anyway ...
Agnes Pockels (agnes_pockels) and I have set up this site which is basically just a forum to allow us to discuss things and plan. We've made a discussion topic for each of the 'clusters' or subgroups discussed at meeting #3, and I took the liberty of adding everyone who expressed interest in each group to get email notifications for those topics. (You can change your notification settings for each topic yourself). I am posting this now as a comment on the topic for 'Formation of Legal Entity and Bank Access'.
Regarding the formation of the legal entity - I propose we try to meet sometime this week, a week later than planned, but hopefully before Friday's general meeting. We need to formally sit down and write up the founding documents. https://yrityssuomi.fi/en/osuuskunnan-saannot-ja-perustamiskirja has more info on what we need. We will set the rules of the cooperative, and choose a Chairperson and Managing Director. We also need a minimum of three incorporators, but we should actually have 7 because otherwise we are liable to pay mandatory insurance for every member.
The selling of stakes can legally function as buying shares in the cooperative, which means no need to worry about ALV/VAT. Anyone who buys a share becomes a member automatically, if we say so in our rules. And the standard for Finnish coops is one member, one vote, no matter how many shares they own; though we can change that in our rules. Of course, this would only refer to legal votes regarding the cooperative; how we deal with stakes and Temps and booking the space etc can be up to us, as that doesn't need to touch anything legal.
Here's an English translation of the Finnish Cooperative Act I found, which is really helpful: http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/kaannokset/2001/en20011488.pdf though long. I have requested a meeting with Enterprise Finland to go through a few questions but it can actually be pretty straightforward.
Only four of us signed up for this topic though
hector wrote me so maybe we just forgot to write his name down -- and I will forward this to a few other people so we can get to 7.
Oh yeah - we also need 380€ to pay the registration fee. So let's think about how much we can all contribute to that. Could 10 of us throw in 38€? That is money we'll never get back even this experiment is a failure, so that's the 'risk'.
As to meeting, Tuesday is no good for me this week but other days are fine. What works for others?
13. marraskuuta 2017 09.16, hector sanoi...
Hi I'm in indeed, money is also fine, I could do wednesday afternoon, thursday morning, friday morning. But although it would be nice to have it set up before our meeting, I guess agreeing on a meeting time all together this friday might be easier?
15. marraskuuta 2017 11.51, hyksos sanoi...
I think the best would be to make a rough draft of the rules and present them at the meeting on Friday, then if no one objects we can go Monday to incorporate. Tomorrow (Thursday) will be a good time to work on the rules, if anyone wants to meet, and also daytime Friday.
I want to get a hold of this one association that provides advice to cooperative to ask them a few questions about shares first, but we can try to reach them tomorrow. -
20. marraskuuta 2017 10.26, hyksos sanoi...
Here is the rough draft of the rules: http://pad.temporary.fi/p/oskrules
We still need a legal name for the cooperative. It does not have to be the same name as the venue, and in the interest of time we should probably decide on this as soon as possible.The next steps:1. Agree on a name for the osuuskunta2. Translate these rules into Finnish.3. Collect 50€ from six other people to be founding members. Anyone who is interested, please email me (my first name @ptarmigan.fi) and give me your legal name, henkilötunnus, and home address. I will then give you my bank details and you can transfer me 50€. I'll cover the extra 30€ to make the full 380€.4. Decide which of the seven founders wants to be on the hallitus. We need at least 3. One has to be chair.5. Get together at least these 3 people and hold our founding meeting. It would be nice to do this this week before the general meeting. The founding meeting will just be us filling out the forms to register the cooperative and creating minutes establishing it, as well as for getting bank access. -
23. marraskuuta 2017 09.40, Andrea Botero (andreuchis) sanoi...
In the other thread I proposed Dazzle, however a group of zebras can also be called a Zeal. So the cooperative can be Zeal, and the space Dazzle
28. marraskuuta 2017 12.10, hyksos sanoi...
Hi everyone,
How is tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon to hold the 'founding meeting'? The rules are ready and today I'll get from the bank the exact wording we'll need to put in our minutes.
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