Sunday Improvised

Has met
1 time
Project organisers
This project is not active.
Project description
There is no description for this project. Please see the individual events for more information.
Matti Luokkanen pledged 120ᵽ to this proposal.
hyksos pledged 60ᵽ to this proposal.
- pledged 20ᵽ to this proposal.
Matti Luokkanen planned to attend
hyksos planned to attend
At 09 May 2018 21:50, Matti Luokkanen said...
Duo of Jone Takamäki & Lauri Hyvärinen added to the program!!!
Lauri Hyvärinen planned to attend
At 21 May 2018 09:36, taneli.viitahuhta said...
At 22 May 2018 21:44, Matti Luokkanen said...
Jone Takamäki cannot make this date, so Lauri will have a duo with Natalia Castrillon!
Matti Luokkanen pledged 10ᵽ to this proposal.
hyksos pledged 125ᵽ to this proposal.
Bioartsociety pledged 50ᵽ to this proposal.
Ava Grayson pledged 15ᵽ to this proposal.
Girilal planned to attend
The event 'Sunday Improvised' took place, starting at 27 May 2018 18:00. 9 people participated:anonymous personchecked in at 18:12anonymous personchecked in at 19:51anonymous personchecked in at 19:51
hyksos uploaded an image from the event, at 28 May 2018 00:16.
hyksos uploaded an image from the event, at 28 May 2018 00:16.