Proposed on:
08 Mar
Proposed by:
24 Mar 2018 12:00 — 16:00
The calendar will be reserved for this starting from 24 March 2018 11:00
Main room
Kuusi Palaa can stay open for other people to use during this event, even if they are not participating in the event.
Free entry
Any extra notes or comments on this proposal?
Short description
How could small coworking spaces in Helsinki achieve more together with the help of Mushrooming coworking network and you?
Proposal description
What are some of the frequent needs, issues and pain-points that small coworking spaces and their members have in common and could these be solved more easily together? "Mushrooming" coworking network calls out everyone interested on the future of coworking and coworking spaces in Helsinki to define & address the needs of small coworking space members and administrators, and figure out how could the Mushrooming network and it's web-service mushrooming.fi be more of use to them. Connect with other creative coworkers and be active in shaping the future of the coworking scene and community around you! Join us in shaping the future of Mushrooming and coworking collaboration in Helsinki! |
At 08 March 2018 20:26, Biathlon dev team said...
Hannu Aarniala (Hannu) -- yes, go to 'your proposals' on the dropdown menu and click the pencil icon. It will go back into draft mode and won't be visible on the site again until you republish it.
Great proposal btw! -
At 10 March 2018 14:02, Biathlon dev team said...
Just a heads up - Kuusi Palaa will have to be closed for 1-3 days while the courtyard is resurfaced (the last part of the nightmare construction that began last year). In typical fashion they haven't told us the exact dates yet, only that it would be 'mid-March', which is now.
As soon as we know for sure it will be posted on this site and the calendar will be blacked out for those days - I'm just writing here soHannu Aarniala (Hannu) knows, as if it falls on this day, this event will need to be moved.
Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) pledged 50ᵽ to this proposal.
Katarina Meister (Kata_Meister) pledged 20ᵽ to this proposal.
Andrea Botero (andreuchis) pledged 10ᵽ to this proposal.
jonald dunn pledged 20ᵽ to this proposal.
Biathlon dev team pledged 81ᵽ to this proposal.
Hannu Aarniala (Hannu) pledged 44ᵽ to this proposal.
Is there any way to edit this proposal? I could add some info to the "Notes" -field on our intentions behind this workshop (on behalf of Mushrooming ry) more clear …